turkey baster? i don't even know her!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

snowbabe denied

following is the tale of foxy the snowbabe, frosty's lesser known sister. feel free to sing the text to the tune of the frosty the snowman song, as well as ignore all logical inconsistencies or impossibilities.


Richard Nichols said...

I sang the whole comic, but the last frame got a little difficult. Good thing there wasn't anyone to hear me...

fendeilagh said...

I too sang the comic, and the last frame... yeah, I gave up.

hilarious. The question is, was Jon smooching Foxy or murdering her in the bubble bath?

Lee McKusick said...

Poor Foxy. I bet Frosty's gonna want to have a word with Brendan about why his sister is a puddle.

And the answer is likely both; I believe it's known as the kiss of death...